
Why Freelancing Is Great!


Why Freelancing Is Great!

Well, the very existence of this site should let you know that I feel positive about being an online freelancer but I’d like to explain some of the cool things that show why freelancing is great (although sometimes it sucks).


My daily schedule goes something like this:

  • 8 - 12 : Work
  • 12 - 1:30 :  Gym
  • 1:30 - 2 : Lunch
  • 2 - Maybe 5 or 6 (depending on workload) : Work

Being a freelancer offers me the flexibility to go to the gym in the middle of the day. I love this schedule because I hate going to the gym in the evening when it’s busy. Maybe that’s because I don’t like waiting to use equipment and maybe it’s because I don’t like an audience to see me grunt, sweat and fail to lift light weights. I’ll let you decide.


I live in Bangkok, something that would be difficult to do unless you teach English or work for a multinational corporation that transfers you from your home country. The best thing? I could move tomorrow. I like Bangkok, but if I wanted to go and live in Rome I could be there next week and already have an income.

I’m writing this on an aeroplane from Bangkok to Krabi. Agi and I are going for a long weekend on an island. It’s not the first one we’ve done and it won’t be the last. We can easily take the time to have a long weekend because we can leave on a Thursday, do some work on Friday morning or whenever from a beach side café and then enjoy ourselves. As long as I have my laptop and an internet connection, I’m good to go! Are you starting to see why freelancing is great?




I’m a homebody, I like having my own things around me. I hate commuting. Now, I only commute as far as the local café or co working space (a 5 minute walk). Most days not even that; I work from home. Obviously, this saves money and, more importantly to me, time on travel. Apart from that there are loads of small benefits to me. I can cook for myself (which I enjoy) or pop to the cheap restaurant around the corner for lunch. I don’t have to wear a uniform; I exist in shorts and t-shirt most of the time.

Do you know the best and least expected thing that came of me being an online freelancer? I got back into music in a big way. I’ve always loved music but being in the office all day really cut down on the amount of music I could listen to. Now I’m at home I can listen to my own music all day. This has led to me branching out and looking for new stuff to listen to more often. Recently I’ve gone through periods of discovering 50’s motown, 70’s funk and 90’s gangsta rap. A far cry from my usual 80's rock.


My Gangsta Rap Youtube History


In Summary

I love being an online freelancer. Deep down, I always knew it would suit me and now that it’s my full time occupation I couldn’t be happier. If you think it would suit you too I would love to discuss it with you. Click here to find out more about why freelancing is great.